
1997年大阪生まれ。ニューヨーク大学アブダビ校卒。清華大学シュワルツマン大学院で修士号を取得。これまでに主に留学、研究、国際会議等で計43カ国を訪問。日本語、英語、中国語、スペイン語の四ヶ国語を操る。在学中にアルゼンチン、ガーナ、コスタリカで教育や発展経済関連の研究やプロジェクトに携わり、ニューヨークにある国連でのインターンを経験。国内では姫路女学院のリベラルアーツサマープログラムを立ち上げ、運営する傍ら、国外ではガーナのNPOであるTechEraの活動にも励んでいる。Forbes 30 Under 30 Asia 2023に選出。ダボス会議2022の世界の若者50名に選出。孫正義育英財団一期生。グローバルシェイパーズ。One Young World 2018日本代表。G7 Youth 2019日本代表。

Atoka Jo, born and raised in Japan, received her undergraduate degree from New York University Abu Dhabi and her Master’s degree from Schwarzman College, Tsinghua University. During her studies, she was involved in research and projects related to education and development economics in Argentina, Ghana, and Costa Rica, and interned at the United Nations in New York. In Japan, she founded and currently runs a liberal arts summer program at Himeji Girls’ High School. She also holds a role as the Education Program Lead at TechEra, a non-profit organization in Ghana. Forbes 30 Under 30 Asia 2023. Selected to attend the World Economic Forum Davos Conference 2022 as one of the 50 Global Shapers. Masayoshi Son Foundation Scholar. Global Shaper. G7 Youth 2019 Japan Representative. One Young World 2018 Japan Representative.

She has visited a total of 43 countries, mainly for study abroad, research, and internships and is fluent in four languages: Japanese, English, Chinese, and Spanish.